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your business credit score is low

What to Do if Your Business Credit Score is Low

your business credit score is low

In the dynamic world of business, your credit report plays a pivotal role in securing loans, attracting investors, and determining your financial stability. A low business credit score can hinder your growth potential by limiting access to crucial financial resources. In this article, we will explore effective strategies that can help you transform a subpar credit rating into a valuable asset for your company's future.

One often overlooked avenue for improving your business credit report is availing of personal loans. Leveraging these personal loans can be a strategic move to enhance your credit history. By responsibly managing and repaying the loan, you can demonstrate your company's financial reliability and commitment to meeting financial obligations.

Shriram Finance offers personal loans, among other loans and deposits including business loans, personal loans, commercial vehicle loans, used car loans, two-wheeler loans, car loans, etc. If you need a personal loan, apply here.

Understanding a Low Business Credit Score

A business credit score is a number, ranging from 0 to 100, that reflects your company's creditworthiness. Unlike personal scores, the number for your business within the business credit score range can be detrimental to your company's financial health and growth prospects. To address this issue, consider implementing the following strategies:

Assess Your Current Score: Begin by checking your business credit report to understand where you stand. This will help you identify areas that need improvement.

Timely Payments: Pay your bills and debts on time. Late payments can negatively impact the numbers in the business credit score range. If you have a business with a low credit score, you must prioritise meeting your financial obligations promptly.

Reduce Credit Utilisation: For your business, the credit score is a number that can make business financing easier. However, to access credit you need to maintain a minimum credit score for business. For this, you should aim to lower the amount of credit you are using compared to your available credit limit, besides having a strong credit history. High credit utilisation can hurt your score.

Establish Strong Credit Relationships: Whether you are a small business owner or have a big business establishment, building positive relationships with suppliers, creditors, and lenders can help improve the scores in your credit report over time. Ensure you make consistent, reliable payments. Always prioritise paying your bills on time to maintain a good business credit score.

Monitor Your Credit Report: Regularly review your business credit reporting for errors or inaccuracies. Dispute any discrepancies and keep an eye on your progress as you work on achieving a good business credit score.

The Importance of Business Credit

Improving a low business credit score is crucial for long-term financial stability and growth. Here are five strategies to boost your business credit:

Timely Payments: Consistently pay your bills on time along with loan repayments to build a good business credit score. Late payments negatively affect your credit score, so set up reminders and automate payments when possible.

Monitor Credit Reports: If you have applied for a business loan, your business credit report must display a number that falls within the business credit score range. To maintain a good business credit score, you should regularly check your business credit reports for errors or discrepancies. Correct any inaccuracies promptly to ensure your score reflects accurate information.

Reduce Debt Utilisation: Thinking of applying for a business loan, you must lower your outstanding debt relative to your available credit limit. Aim to keep your credit utilisation ratio below 30% to demonstrate responsible financial management.

Establish Trade Lines: Build positive relationships with suppliers and vendors who report to credit bureaus. Timely payments to these entities can improve the numbers on your credit report.

Diversify Credit Types: Both personal and business finances can help maintain a mix of credit types, such as loans, credit cards, and trade accounts. A diverse credit portfolio along with a strong payment history can show lenders your ability to handle various financial responsibilities.

Assessing Your Current Situation

Assessing your current situation is essential when striving to achieve a good business credit score. Start by obtaining your business credit report to identify negative marks and errors. Address any outstanding debts promptly and negotiate payment plans if necessary. Consistently pay your bills on time and avoid maxing out credit lines. Consider opening new credit accounts to diversify your credit profile, but use them responsibly. Lastly, monitor your credit regularly to track progress and ensure accuracy. These strategies can help boost your score in the business credit range from 300 to 850.

Strategies to Improve a Low Business Credit Score

Here are four key strategies to improve your low business credit score

Pay Bills on Time: Ensure you consistently pay bills and loans on time. Timely payments demonstrate reliability and boost your creditworthiness.

Manage Debt Responsibly: Keep your credit utilisation low by avoiding maxing out credit lines. Reducing outstanding debt can positively impact your score.

Monitor Credit Reports: Regularly review your business credit reports for errors or inaccuracies. Dispute and correct any discrepancies promptly to remain on the upper limit in the business credit score range.

Establish Credit Relationships: Build a positive credit history by opening credit accounts with suppliers and vendors. Maintaining good relationships can lead to higher credit limits over time.

Financial Transparency: Maintain transparent financial records and strong business financials to make your lenders and creditors confident.

Developing a Financial Action Plan

Developing a financial action plan to improve your Business credit score range. A low score requires a strategic approach. Here are four key points to consider

Goal Setting: Clearly define short-term and long-term financial goals, such as saving for retirement, buying a home, or paying off debt.

Budgeting: Create a detailed budget that tracks income and expenses.

Debt Management: Develop a plan to tackle high-interest debts, like credit cards, through aggressive repayment strategies.

Review and Adjust: Regularly review and adjust your plan to align with changing goals and financial circumstances.

Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with a financial advisor for expert guidance and customised strategies.

Savings Automation: Automate savings and investments to ensure consistency and discipline.

Tax Efficiency: Optimise your tax strategy to minimise liabilities and maximise returns.

Monitoring Progress: Continuously monitor your financial progress and adjust your plan as needed to stay on track toward your goals.

Engaging with Creditors and Lenders

Improving your low credit score business requires strategic engagement with creditors and lenders. Start by requesting a credit report to identify issues. Communicate transparently with creditors, explaining your situation and discussing feasible repayment plans. This will help businesses with low credit scores move upwards in the business credit score range.

While timely payments can gradually boost your score, you must seek new creditors or lenders willing to work with businesses in your situation, especially if you are a small business with a low credit score. Additionally, consider securing credit with collateral or co-signers if possible. Monitoring your progress and consistently managing credit responsibly are key to long-term credit score improvement.

Seeking Professional Assistance

You must know that credit score is a number within the credit score range on your business credit report. Seeking professional assistance, such as credit counselling services, can be a smart move when your business credit score is low. These experts can provide tailored strategies to help improve your creditworthiness, thereby substantially raising your business credit score.

These professionals may advise on debt management, dispute inaccurate information, and establish positive credit habits. Collaborating with them can be a crucial step in boosting your business credit score, and opening doors to better business financing options and business opportunities.

Building a Strong Financial Foundation

Improving your business credit score requires a strategic approach. Start by reviewing your credit report for errors and disputing inaccuracies. Pay bills on time to establish a positive payment history, and consider opening trade credit accounts with suppliers. Keep credit utilisation low, ideally below 30%, and avoid excessive debt. Diversify your credit mix by using different types of credit. Finally, be patient; it takes time to rebuild credit. Stay committed to these strategies for long-term financial success.


In conclusion, when faced with a low business credit score, it is imperative to implement a strategic approach to elevate your financial standing. Enhancing your business credit score when it is low necessitates strategic financial management.

As you begin your quest to enhance your credit score, take into account Shriram Finance, an NBFC specializing in a range of loans and deposit services. If managed responsibly, these loans can assist you during your financial needs, besides serving as a stepping stone towards a brighter credit history. Learn more about the various loans offered by Shriram Finance and if you need a business loan, apply here.

Key Highlights

  • A low business credit score can hinder financing, partnerships, and supplier relationships. Separating personal and business finances is crucial to protect your business credit.
  • Regularly review your business credit report for errors and areas of improvement. Timely bill payments and responsible credit card usage can boost your credit score.
  • Developing a financial action plan and budgeting are vital for long-term improvement.
  • Communication with creditors and seeking professional assistance can be beneficial. Building a strong financial foundation is essential for your business's long-term success.


1. What is a business credit score?

A good business credit score is a numerical representation of your company's creditworthiness, typically ranging from 500 to 850.

2. What is considered a low business credit score?

A low business credit score is generally below 500, signalling potential financial risks to creditors and lenders.

3. How is a business credit score calculated?

Business credit scores are calculated by credit bureaus, considering factors like payment history, credit history length, and debt utilisation.

4. What can lead to a low business credit score?

Several factors can lead to a low business credit score, including late payments, high debt levels, and a lack of credit history.

5. How does a low business credit score affect my company?

A low business credit score can limit your company's access to business financing, partnerships, and favourable supplier terms. It can also impact your growth prospects.

6. Can I check my business credit score?

Yes, you can check your business credit score through credit bureaus and other specialised online service platforms.

7. How can I improve a low business credit score?

To improve a low business credit score, make timely payments, and establish a strong credit history. A small business with a low credit score must develop a financial action plan and seek professional assistance when needed.

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