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steps to dispute mistake on credit report

Steps to Dispute Mistake on Credit Report

steps to dispute mistake on credit report

Key highlights

To dispute a mistake on your credit report, follow these steps:

  • Obtain a copy of your credit report from credit bureaus.
  • Carefully review the report for errors or inaccuracies.
  • Document the mistakes with clear evidence and note the discrepancies.
  • File a dispute with the credit bureau online or via mail, providing supporting documents.
  • Monitor the progress of your dispute and follow up to ensure corrections are made promptly. Accurate credit reports are crucial for your financial well-being.

Think of your credit report as a report card for your financial skills. It's an important document that lenders use to decide if they should give you loans or let you do other financial things. But here's the catch: sometimes, there are errors in your credit report that can make it tougher to get those loans. That's why in this article, we will guide you through the essential steps to dispute errors on your credit report Shriram Finance, a prominent NBFC, provides credit score checking services in addition to a range of credit solutions

How to Dispute an Error on Your Credit Report?

The first thing you should do to correct a mistake on your credit report is to find the error and make a note of it. These errors can range from incorrect personal information to inaccurate account information, and they can hurt your credit score.

Send a letter to the credit bureau

To start the process of correcting a mistake on your credit report, you should write a letter to the credit bureau that made the report. In India, the 4 major credit bureaus are CRIF, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can reach out to them through their customer support services or by sending a letter through regular mail. In your letter, be sure to clearly explain the error and provide evidence like bank statements or receipts to support your case. It's a smart move to send the letter via certified mail and ask for a return receipt so you can prove it was delivered.

Determine if You Should Contact the Data Furnisher as Well

Sometimes, you might need to talk to the company that gave the wrong info to the credit bureau. This company is called the "data furnisher," like a bank or a credit card company. If you can find their contact info on your credit report, you can send your complaint straight to them. If not, you can reach out and ask them for the right address to send your complaint. Getting in touch with the data furnisher directly might help fix the mistake more quickly.

Wait Up to 45 Days for the credit bureau or data furnisher to investigate and respond

Once you've sent your complaint, both the credit bureau and the credit reporting company that made the mistake have about a month to look into it and reply. The credit bureau will double-check with the credit reporting company before changing your credit report. By law, they must tell you what they found within five days of finishing their check. If they think your complaint isn't valid, they might not conduct an investigation.

Review All Four Credit Reports

To ensure accuracy across all platforms, it is essential to review all four major credit reports – CRIF, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You are entitled to one free credit report per year from each bureau. Check your credit report for updates or changes after disputing an error to confirm that the corrections have been made. Regularly monitoring your credit reports will help you address any future errors proactively.

Collect Relevant Documentation to File a Dispute

Gather all relevant documentation related to the error before filing a dispute. This could include bank statements, payment receipts, or identification documents. These documents will serve as evidence during the dispute process and strengthen your claim.

Contact Your Credit Bureau to Fix Errors in Your Credit Report

To initiate the dispute process, contact the credit bureaus directly. Use the formal dispute resolution form provided on their websites or by mail. Be sure to include accurate details regarding the disputed information and attach supporting documentation where necessary. The nine-digit number provided on your credit report should also be included in the dispute form.

Review and Submit the Dispute Form

Carefully review and fill out the dispute form provided by the credit bureau. Double-check all information for accuracy before submitting it. Attach any supporting documentation that strengthens your case. Each credit bureau may have additional requirements specific to their dispute process.

Wait for the Credit Bureau's Response to Your Credit Report Dispute

Fixing a credit report mistake usually takes about a month. Banks legally have to give you an official answer within 45 days from the date you reported about the problem. Once they investigate and decide, they'll let you know through email or regular mail. When you get that message, make sure to look at your updated credit report to make sure they fixed the error.

Review the Results of the Investigation

The credit bureau handling your dispute has to send you a report in writing, telling you what they discovered. If they fix anything in your credit report, they should also give you a free, updated copy of your credit. In this report, you'll find the contact details (like the name, address, and phone number) of the company that gave the inaccurate information. If needed, you can ask them to add a note to your credit file explaining the problem.

Check for Updates to Your Credit Report

Updates to your affected credit reports may take some time to appear. This depends on each bureau's specific update cycle and when the data furnishers send new information. If several months pass without seeing updates on your credit reports, contact both the credit bureaus and data furnishers to ensure they are accurately reporting your account information.

Why disputing credit report errors is important?

In conclusion, fixing errors on your credit report is important to make sure your financial information is correct. This helps when you want to get loans or do other money stuff in the future. Acting quickly to fix any mistakes is essential to avoid problems with loan approvals and your credit score.

By following the steps we've talked about in this guide and getting help from credit bureaus or companies that give incorrect information, you can make sure your credit report is accurate and protect your financial situation. To help you on this journey, Shriram Finance offers credit score services designed to keep your credit in top shape. Visit the website today and take control of your financial destiny.

Don't let credit report mistakes hold you back. Take action today, dispute inaccuracies, and partner with Shriram Finance for expert credit score services. Your financial future awaits!


1. Can I raise multiple disputes in a single dispute resolution form?

Yes, if you have multiple errors in your credit report, you can include them all in a single dispute resolution form.

2. Are there any charges to resolve a dispute?

No, disputing errors on your credit report through the formal channels provided by the credit bureaus does not incur any charges.

3. Can I change control numbers and report dates using dispute resolution procedures?

No, control numbers and report dates cannot be changed through the dispute resolution process. Disputes are primarily focused on correcting inaccurate information.

4. Can I edit my credit report?

You cannot directly edit your credit report; you can only dispute inaccuracies with the credit bureau.

5. Can a credit report be deleted?

No, credit reports cannot be deleted. However, incorrect or outdated information can be updated or removed through the dispute process.

6. Can you pay to remove a credit report?

No, paying to remove a credit report is not possible. Credit reports are an essential tool used by lenders and financial institutions to assess your creditworthiness.

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