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Mistakes that negatively impact credit score

Mistakes That Can Negatively Impact Your Credit Score

Mistakes that negatively impact credit score

A good money manager is someone who achieves the necessary balance between financial success and failure. For better financial management, a healthy credit score acts as a safety net. For a financially stable outlook where your credit score graph moves upward, you must stay alert and avoid mistakes that can negatively impact your credit score.

In this article, we will find out with Shriram Finance some of the primary blunders people make that can harm their creditworthiness. Shriram Finance is a trusted partner in your journey for financial management and well-being. If you are searching for financial solutions to suit your personal or business needs, choose Shriram Finance for high-yielding deposit plans and loans. Our suite of loans includes business loans, personal loans, commercial vehicle loans, used car loans, two-wheeler loans, car loans, etc. We provide both FIP and fixed deposit services.

Top Mistakes That Can Negatively Impact Credit Score

Your credit score plays a pivotal role in your financial well-being. It determines your eligibility for loans and credit cards and even influences interest rates. Avoiding mistakes that negatively impact your credit score is vital.

Lack of Payment Discipline

A lack of payment discipline is one of the biggest mistakes that negatively impact credit scores. Missing payments or making late payments can significantly dent your credit health. Payment history is a substantial factor in credit scoring; even a single late payment can leave a lasting mark. To avoid this, set up payment reminders or automatic debits to ensure you pay your bills on time and keep increasing your credit score.

High Credit Utilisation Ratio

Your credit utilisation ratio is the proportion of your credit limit that you are using. Having a high credit utilisation ratio or simply high balances relative to your credit limits can negatively affect your credit score. Keeping your credit utilisation below 30% is recommended to maintain a healthy score. If you have multiple credit cards with high balances, consider timely payments of your debts to reduce this ratio.

Frequent Credit Applications

Every time you apply for credit, such as a credit card or loan, a hard inquiry is made that reflects on your credit health. Multiple hard inquiries within a short period can lower your credit score. You must be thinking about what negatively affects your credit score. You must be selective before applying for multiple credit cards and avoid making several loan applications in a short timeframe. You need to choose only the necessary credit card and loan application. To build a strong credit history, you should maintain a healthy payment history after the cards and loans are approved.

Before applying for credit, assess your credit health and apply for products that you are likely to be approved for. This reduces the number of hard inquiries on your credit report.

Ignoring Errors on Your Credit Report

Your credit score may suffer as a result of errors that credit bureaus may make on your credit report. Check your credit report regularly for irregularities, and immediately dispute any mistake that you find to improve your credit health. Your credit health can be improved by fixing these errors, besides making timely payments of your credit card bills and loan EMIs (equated monthly instalments). A healthy credit history will be further useful not only in the approval of your loan application but also in providing you with room to negotiate desired loan terms with your lender.

Closing Old Credit Accounts

Even though it might seem like a smart idea, closing outdated credit accounts can lower your credit score. Your credit score is affected by the length of your credit history as it is shortened when you close old accounts, potentially decreasing your score. Instead, think about maintaining these accounts and using them sensibly.

Making occasional little purchases and paying them off might help maintain a favorable credit history connected to an old credit card, even if you do not use it frequently.

Not Diversifying Your Credit Mix

Having a mix of different types of credit accounts can positively impact your credit score. However, relying solely on one type of credit is a mistake that might negatively affect your credit score. Diversifying your credit mix can demonstrate responsible credit management.

For instance, in addition to credit cards, consider having installment loans like auto loans or personal loans in your credit portfolio. This diversity can showcase your ability to manage various types of credit responsibly.

Co-signing for High-risk Borrowers

Co-signing for someone with a poor credit history can be risky. If the borrower defaults on the loan, it can negatively affect your credit score. Think carefully before co-signing for someone and consider the potential consequences for your credit health.

Before co-signing, evaluate the borrower's financial situation, and opt for co-signing if you are confident that they can successfully meet their obligations. Additionally, establish clear communication with the borrower about the responsibilities and risks involved.

Consequences of a Poor Credit Score

Understanding the consequences of a poor credit score is essential for motivating better financial habits.

Limited Access to Credit: A low credit score can limit your access to loans and credit cards. Lenders may view you as a high-risk borrower, making it challenging to secure financing when required.

Higher Interest Rates: Even if you qualify for loans or credit cards with a poor credit score, you will likely face higher interest rates. This can result in significantly higher borrowing costs over time.

Difficulty Renting or Leasing: Landlords and leasing companies often check credit scores when considering rental applications. A poor score could lead to rejections or require larger security deposits.

Ways to Increase Your Credit Score

Now that you know the common mistakes that can negatively impact your credit score, let us explore some strategies to increase your credit score.

Pay Bills on Time: The best strategy to raise your credit score is to consistently pay your obligations on time. To prevent forgetting deadlines, set up automatic payments or reminders.

Reduce Credit Card Balances: To reduce your highcredit utilisation ratio or percentage, work on paying off your credit card debt. It should not exceed 30% of your credit limit.

Review Your Credit Report: Check your credit report regularly for problems and inaccuracies. To maintain the accuracy of your credit history, challenge any inaccuracies you notice.


In conclusion, your credit score is a financial compass that guides your access to various loans and credit cards, and even job opportunities. Avoiding common mistakes, such as late payments, high credit utilisation ratio, and excessive credit applications is essential for strong credit health. Regularly monitoring your credit report and correcting errors is also crucial. Remember, a good credit score grants you lower borrowing costs, besides offering various suitable financial choices.

If you are looking for a reliable financial partner, consider Shriram Finance with its expertise in offering several loans. Shriram Finance can help you navigate the world of credit, offering tailored solutions to meet your needs and improve your credit health. Do not let credit mistakes hold you back and partner with Shriram Finance for a brighter financial future. If you are looking to avail of a personal loan. Apply here.

Key Highlights

  • Lack of payment discipline, high credit utilisation ratio, and frequent credit applications are common mistakes that negatively impact credit scores.
  • Ignoring errors on your credit report and closing old credit accounts can harm your creditworthiness.
  • A poor credit score can limit access to credit, result in higher interest rates, and affect renting or leasing options.
  • To increase your credit score, prioritise paying bills on time, reducing credit card balances, and regularly reviewing your credit report.


1. What is the biggest negative impact on credit score?

Missing or making late payments is one of the most significant negative impacts on your credit score.

2. What are the 3 credit card mistakes to avoid?

Three common credit card mistakes to avoid include carrying high balances or having a high credit utilisation ratio, making frequent credit applications, and ignoring errors on your credit report. 

3. What are 2 common errors on a credit report?

Common errors on a credit report include inaccuracies in personal information and incorrectly reported late payments.

4. Is it bad to have too many credit accounts?

While having several credit accounts is okay, managing them responsibly is crucial. More accounts can lead to a lower average credit age, potentially affecting your credit health.

5. What is a credit score?

A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, indicating how likely you are to repay debts on time. Lenders use it to assess your credit risk.

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