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5 ways to build a strong credit score without credit card

4 Ways to Build a Strong Credit Score Without Credit Card

5 ways to build a strong credit score without credit card

A credit score is a rating that demonstrates your proficiency with money. A strong credit score is not just a number but displays your strong financial management skills. Given that your credit cards are one of the popular credit management tools, some experts believe you must have this financial product to positively impact your credit score.

A strong credit score is essential for getting approved for credit cards and loans. It's important to build a good credit history beforehand.

Let us explore five effective ways to accomplish this goal. Here, we will present 5 powerful and actionable ways to enhance your creditworthiness . We will also discuss tips to improve your credit score and secure a credit card without a credit score. No doubt you must establish a good credit score, however, we will discuss ways to get a credit card without a credit score in India. Additionally, we will explore if there are ways to get a credit card without a credit score and income proof.

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Best Ways to Build a Strong Credit Score Without a Credit Card

Before diving into the strategies, it is crucial to understand the significance of your credit health report. Understanding your credit health and score can provide valuable insights into your financial standing and help you track your progress.

The Shriram Credit Health Report is an all-inclusive tool that gives you a detailed analysis of your credit history. You may choose to monitor your credit health by referring to this report regularly.

Take Out a Small Loan at a Bank or an NBFC

Lenders like banks and NBFCs (non-banking financial corporations) report loan payments to credit bureaus, similar to the payments of other types of credit. Securing a small loan will contribute to establishing a good credit score even if you are currently without a credit card.

To apply for a small loan, you need to provide the following

  • Your Income proof
  • Your identity and address proof
  • You may need a guarantor, i.e. someone who agrees to be responsible for the loan if you default.

As you continue making timely payments, your payment history will improve your credit score and show that you are responsible with debt and committed to meeting financial obligations, it increases your creditworthiness.

Securing a small loan opens doors for a broader range of financial products beyond credit cards, like federal student loans for higher education.This will in turn help you establish a good credit score.

Tips for taking out a small loan to build your credit history

  • Always take a loan that you can afford to repay. Loans and credit cards are popular tools to build a credit history.
  • To improve your credit score, exercise financial planning and set reminders if required to make timely payments.
  • To establish a good credit score, ensure your guarantor is also responsible for debt handling.

Ask Someone to Add You as an Authorised User

A credit card application in India requires income proof and a good credit score. If you ask someone to add you as an authorised user, it becomes a relatively easy way to help you build a credit history and build a credit score without credit. It happens because the lender will report to the credit bureaus regarding the financial products such as loans and credit cards that you are using along with your payment history.

In other words, you get to "borrow" the primary cardholder's responsible payment history, which will be reported to the credit bureaus, helping you establish your creditworthiness and establish a good credit score.

Follow these steps to get added as an authorised user

  • Start with asking the primary cardholder to add you to their account.
  • You would need the primary card holder's credit card number and the credit card company's name.
  • With the details received, contact the credit card company to have you added as an authorised user.

Choose a primary cardholder whom you can trust with being a responsible financial individual and having a strong payment history because if they miss a payment, it will impact your credit score.

Here are some tips for asking someone to add you as an authorised user

  • Be prepared to explain why you want to be added as an authorised user.
  • Offer to make the payments on the card yourself.
  • Be willing to pay a security deposit, if required.

Reporting Rental Payments

What if someone told you that you could improve your credit score by regular rent payments? It helps you make your credit score threefold stronger, a starting point to build a credit history without a credit card and loan.

There are special rent payment reporting services that give you the facility to connect your rent payments to your credit history.Each of these services varies from each other. Ensure the provider you choose is a proper fit for you and reports to the credit bureaus.

It is a smart approach to improve your credit score without going the traditional route. You build on what you currently have with a focus on bigger financial products in the future. Your timely rent payments become a key component in creating your payment history and give you a good credit score without you having to take any loans and credit cards.

Take a Peer-to-Peer Lending Loan

Getting a credit card without a credit score and income proof in India highlights the difficulties many individuals face. Peer-to-peer lending (P2P lending) allows you to borrow directly from individuals through an online platform.

Benefits of P2P loans

  • Shorter repayment terms to help you clear your debts faster
  • You save money through their lower interest rates in comparison to credit cards.
  • Easier way to build your credit history when you do not have a good credit score.

Some Other Ways to Build a Strong Credit Score Without a Credit Card

When it comes to improving your credit score, timely payment history is a golden rule including bills for electricity, water, internet etc. You can use your savings accounts as a "Fixed Deposit" to establish credit indirectly.

In addition, look into overdraft protection insurance, settle for a cheaper interest rate on your current debts, join a credit union and regularly check your credit report for any errors.


In the financial sector, these strategies have proven effective in gradually establishing a strong credit score without using credit cards. You must demonstrate your ability to safely manage various forms of credit. Embracing responsible financial practices and exploring diverse credit-building avenues, will help build a strong credit history.

Owning a home, starting a business, going on a dream vacation, or simply aiming for financial freedom all require a strong credit foundation. Although significant, credit ratings are not the only indicator of financial success. Establishing a good credit score is one component of the puzzle while you improve your credit.

Savings, investments, payment history and wise money management are all parts of your total financial health. Use these strategies wisely to guide you toward your prosperity.You can also make use of various financial products from Shriram Finance to build your credit score without a credit card or taking too many risks. Learn about the various loans offered by Shriram Finance and if you need a business loan, apply here.

Key Highlights

  • Set up reminders or automatic payments to track your payments. You should ensure timely bill payments to establish a good credit score.
  • Start with a manageable secured loan amount to build credit gradually and minimise risk.
  • Include various credit options, such as authorised user status and balanced instalment loans, etc.
  • Positive loan terms and overdraft protection are 2 examples of opportunities that help build credit scores.


1. How to get a credit card without a credit score?

You can try secured credit cards or become an authorised user on someone else's card.

2. How do I build my credit without a credit card?

Consider alternative credit options like rent and utility payments, or getting a credit builder loan.

3. Can I get a credit score without a credit card?

Some credit bureaus may use non-traditional data to generate a limited credit score.

4. What is the fastest way to build credit from no credit?

Timely payments on loans or bills and responsible credit usage can help build credit history quickly.

5. How to increase your credit score without a credit card?

Paying bills on time, reducing debt, and diversifying credit can positively impact your credit score.

6. How to improve credit score without a credit card

Make on-time payments, reduce debt, and monitor your credit report for errors to build your credit score.

7. How to cancel your credit card without hurting your score?

To cancel a credit card without impacting your score, ensure you've paid off the balance. Consider transferring the credit limit to another card, and verify no annual fees are tied to the card.

8. How to close a credit card without hurting your credit score?

When closing a credit card, pay off any remaining balance, transfer credit limit if possible, and confirm there are no annual fees to minimise potential credit score impact.

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