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Is there a mobile app for booking gas cylinders?

Yes, there are mobile apps for booking gas cylinders in India. Most major gas providers offer their own official apps for convenient cylinder booking. These apps typically allow you to:

  1. Book new cylinders
  2. Check booking status
  3. View past transactions
  4. Locate nearby distributors
  5. Make online payments
  6. Track cylinder deliveries
  7. Update personal information

Popular apps include:

  • IndianOil One (for Indane)
  • HP Pay (for HP Gas)
  • HelloBPCL (for Bharat Gas)

You can download these apps from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Always use official apps to ensure security. Some third-party apps also offer multi-brand cylinder booking, but they must be verified for authenticity before use. If you're unsure, contact your gas provider's customer service for guidance on the correct app to use.