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Are there different types of municipal taxes?

Municipal taxes in India can be broadly categorized as follows:

  • Land-based Taxes cover property tax, duty on property transfer, and street tax (in Mumbai).
  • Taxes/Service Charges on Government Properties: This includes provisions made in municipal laws, various Port Trust Acts, the Railways (Local Authorities Taxation) Act 1941, and service charges levied by the Union Finance Ministry.
  • Taxes Related to Civic Services: This encompasses water tax, water benefit tax (Mumbai), sewerage tax, conservancy tax, lighting tax, building tax (Tamil Nadu, Punjab), education and fire tax.
  • Taxes on Businesses, Professions and Entertainment: This includes advertisement tax, tax on professions, trades and employments, and theatre/cinema tax.
  • Taxes on Entry or Exit of Passengers, Goods and Services: This covers octroi/entry tax, tax on pilgrims, and tolls.
  • Taxes with a Registration Bias: This includes taxes on animals, horses, carriages, carts, and vehicles, excluding motor vehicles, boats, vessels moored at ghats, etc.

Municipal taxes are levied on properties, transfers, utilities, services, businesses, transport, entry/exit of goods, passengers, and organisations/individuals keeping certain assets within municipal jurisdiction.