Calculate Your Fixed Deposit interest rate
I am a Senior Citizen
I am a Woman
Investment amount
Tenure up to
Interest payout term
Investment Summary
Interest Rate %
Invested Amount
₹ 50,000
Why Choose Shriram?
0.50%* p.a. Senior Citizen Special FD Rate
0.10%* p.a. Women Depositor Special FD Rate
Paperless Online Process
Open an FD in 5 mins
Loan Against FD
Premature Withdrawal Facility
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the FD Interest Rates change during the tenure of the deposit?
No, once you have opened a Fixed Deposit account, the interest rate remains fixed for the entire tenure of the deposit.
Are FD Interest Rates taxable?
Yes, the interest earned on Fixed Deposits is taxable as per the income tax slab of the investor.
What happens if I withdraw my FD prematurely?
If you withdraw your FD prematurely, you may have to pay a penalty and the interest rate applicable on premature withdrawal is lower than the contracted rate.
Can I take a loan against my Fixed Deposit?
Yes, you can take a loan against your Fixed Deposit. The interest rate on the loan is usually lower than that of a personal loan.
Can I add funds to my Fixed Deposit?
No, funds cannot be added at any time of the tenure once your FD is booked.
What is the minimum and maximum investment tenure in an FD with Shriram Finance?
The minimum tenure of a fixed deposit is 12 months and the maximum tenure is up to 60 months
How will I receive the interest amount?
The interest on FD will be credited to your registered bank account
What is a maturity date?
A maturity date is when all funds due are paid into your nominated account.
Are there any special rates for senior citizens?
Yes, Shriram offers special interest rates for senior citizens at an additional 0.50%* p.a.. on fixed deposits
Does the interest rate differ for senior citizen fixed deposit?
Yes, most financial institutions offer a higher interest rate on Fixed Deposits for senior citizens.
With regards to deposit taking activity of Shriram Finance Limited (’SFL’), Viewers may refer to detailed information and T&C provided in our application form available at FD form download
The Company is having a valid Certificate of Registration dated 31st January 2023 issued by the Bank under section 45-IA of the RBI Act. However, the Reserve Bank of India does not accept any responsibility or guarantee about the present position as to the financial soundness of the company or for the correctness of any of the statements or representations made or opinions expressed by the company and for repayment of deposits/discharge of the liabilities by the company.
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